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8 Tips For Keeping Your Baby Cool on Hot Days

Summer has arrived! And with summer comes warmer nights, muggy mornings and hot and bothered bubs.
So, to help your little one stay cool and protected during those hot days, we’ve put together a list of tips and tricks for you to keep up your sleeve.
1. Keep your baby hydrated
The first thing to note is that unlike adults, kids sweat less when they get hot, which reduces their ability to cool down.This makes it harder for us to know when they might need to step away from the sun or physical activity.
To avoid your little one overheating, try offering them a drink from their favourite cup or bottle!. A spout sippy cup is a great option as it has angled handles and a spill proof cross-cut opening, so no matter what they’re doing, at what angle, they’ll be able to stay hydrated. And for the bub? Try one of our Soft Touch PP baby bottles with fun and cute designs on them!
2. Swap your muslin wrap for a pram shade
Most people feel that shading their little ones with a muslin wrap over the pram will keep them cool. Whilst it does block out the sun, it also blocks any chance of a breeze from reaching them.
Pram shades are a great solution, as they are typically made from lightweight fabric that’s designed to protect your little one from UV and insects, while allowing air to circulate in the pram. They also allow your baby to see out while you’re out, keeping them entertained on the go.
3. Get your baby a cooling teether
Did you know that you can buy a teether that is designed to live in the fridge?
The Square Cooling Teether and Circle Cooling Teether from Pigeon are designed to ease the discomfort of teething, and doubles as a quick cool-down tool on hot days. Definitely worth adding to your cart!
4. Portable fans are a breeze
To keep your bub cool while you’re on the move, try attaching a portable fan to your pram. Not only will it create a breeze on those muggy days, it’ll also create that lovely white noise to soothe your bub off to sleep.
5. Pack a spray bottle full of water
A quick way to bring the temperature down is to spray your little one’s hands and feet with cool water. Sounds simple, and it is!
Simply fill a spray bottle (you can purchase at most supermarkets or salons), and either keep it in the fridge, or place some ice cubes in there. It’s a low cost solution that really works!
6. A cool bath before bed
We all know how good a cool shower is before you wriggle into your fresh sheets at night - well the same applies for your baby.
Try giving them a lovely luke-warm bath with a natural, PH balanced baby body wash, followed by some time in front of a fan.
Once your little one is nice and comfortable, pop some light jammies on them or wrap them in a light-weight sleep suit. Nighty night.
7. Keep a washcloth in the freezer
A quick and easy way to cool down your little one whilst at home on a hot day is to soak a few washcloths in cold water, and put them in the freezer.
After just 10 minutes, they will cool down your baby from head to toe.. Plus, they stay cool for way longer than just a wet cloth.
8. Pump the air con
There’s nothing worse than getting into a hot car on a hot day.
To avoid your bub being hit by a heatwave, turn the car on and pump the air con before you put them in. In just a few minutes your car will go from a desert to a delight.
Keep these tips handy for the next hot day, and you and bub will stay nice, cool and comfortable.
And don’t forget, while you’re keeping your little one cool, you need to look after yourself too! So, pop in an extra water bottle, wash cloth and fan. Happy mum = happy bub.
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